Belong to an organisation that keeps you accountable, and helps you grow. Put in fitness terms, ATAINZ is like your personal trainer! Gain access
to learning opportunities ranging from high-level workshops to mentoring programmes, and a vibrant Member network.
Our world-class workshops and members’ forum not only offer the chance to learn about specific topics, but you will also be able to share insights and tools with other professionals who have had or are dealing with similar experiences. Whatever you are dealing with in your business, or are wanting to improve on, ATAINZ can help you.
ATAINZ Members are often invited to review, challenge, and advise agencies on new initiatives and proposed changes. You will have the chance to provide your practical perspective, to improve outcomes for accounting professionals across New Zealand, as well as the Kiwi businesses we support.
Continually improve the service you deliver to your clients, to help drive their success. In doing so, convert more of your customers into loyal fans, and attract more of your
ideal clients. Ongoing learning and business growth helps all of us stay excited about our industry, and ensures our clients grow with us too.
As professionals, it’s our duty to stay on top of all legislative changes to make sure we achieve compliance – all while maintaining a sustainable accounting practice and offering the best service for our clients. Needing to respond to the legislative, technological, and societal changes happening every day means ATAINZ will become a valuable resource for you as an accounting professional. Your accounting firm as a whole, and the other Kiwi businesses you support, will really benefit too.
Working with SMEs often means having to cover all aspects of a client’s financials. As accounting professionals, we sure know a lot but we can’t know everything! So when you do get those curly questions and situations, knowing you can simply jump on to our live forum and ask other accountants who have some experience, or who even specialise in the right area, is a huge asset to both your business and your clients.
Even with all of the ongoing improvements to our digital finance tools and systems, us accountants are still extremely time-poor. Not only that, keeping up-to-date with all of the apps and software that are supposed to make our lives easier can be overwhelming and even more time-consuming! When you belong to ATAINZ, you have immediate access to industry-leading specialists in different fields who are happy to give their time sharing their learnings to help give you some time back.
It can be a pretty lonely life as a sole trader accountant, or even as the owner of a small accounting firm. And, if many of your client relationships are mostly transactional, and
revolve around telling people how much money they owe, it can even be unfulfilling. ATAINZ Members understand the life of an accountant, and are here to support you – we even have an internal mentoring programme. Our Members develop relationships based on mutual growth, respect, and trust.
Currently, our 450 Members represent around 200,000 SME taxpayers in New Zealand. Unlike other international organisations, the ATAINZ resources, events, and network are all aimed to be relevant to SMEs, which make up 97% of business enterprises in New Zealand.
Through ATAINZ learning opportunities, you can empower your less involved clients to better understand their business’s finances. When they need to, they will be able to have more informed conversations with external parties like banks and government agencies, and will enhance their own ability to make informed decisions.
ATAINZ Membership status adds credibility to your business, so you are more likely to attract quality staff who want to learn and succeed in our industry. You can also find new ways to better retain your most valuable staff, through learning events and experience shares from other ATAINZ Members.
Our relationship with Tax Management New Zealand is incredibly important. We are committed to always improving that relationship and communicating strategic updates with our Members.
Gain a competitive advantage by being an ATAINZ Member – especially if you look to achieve the top membership tier possible as a Professional Tax & Business Advisor (PTBA). More than assisting Members to be highly skilled technicians, ATAINZ enables its Members to become great leaders.
Supporting Accountants & Tax Agents throughout NZ.
The Accountants and Tax Agents Institute of NZ is an incorporated society that aims to be the voice of small-medium business (SME) in New Zealand. Our Members are recognised as Trusted Advisors in the Business Community.
All Members of the Accountants and Tax Agents Institute of New Zealand promise to professionally, ethically, and willingly look after the taxation needs of our clients.
Free Phone
0508 282 469
P. O. Box 87475
Auckland 1742
PTBA, RTBA and ATBA are registered trademarks of ATAINZ
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